Biological Fire Mitigation Coalition (BFMC)

About BFMC

The BFMC is a group of soil regeneration experts offering solutions and services for fire and weed mitigation. We help land managers implement holistic and regenerative plans tailored to specific needs, addressing challenges like wildfires, drought, floods, and desertification through biological techniques.

What is Biological Fire Mitigation?

Biological Fire Mitigation (BioFireMit) uses soil health improvement techniques to build resilience against wildfire risks. Healthy soil sequesters carbon, retains water, and supports native plants, creating a proactive and long-term solution to fire and drought concerns.

How to Utilize BFMC Resources

Choose services based on your specific needs or combine them for greater impact. The coalition can help create tailored plans to maximize soil health and mitigate wildfire and drought risks.

BFMC Services


DuranGoats LLC

DuranGoats is a grazing company that uses goats to reduce wildfire fuel loads while also fertilizing and regenerating the land. Our methods keep water in the soil, create canopies from Gambel Oaks, and prevent grasslands from drying up and desertifying.


Fungal Solutions

Fungal Solutions reduces slash and wood chips produced by mechanical fire mitigation efforts. We upcycle this biomass on-site by rotting wood chips with local fungi over the course of 3 seasons; therefore, building soil organic matter and increasing the soil's water-holding capacity -- you might even get edible mushrooms in the process as they work their magic!

Regenerative Landscaping

Blooming Landscape & Design, LLC

Blooming Landscape & Design, LLC specializes in regenerative landscaping practices that improve soil health through the application of biodynamic soil remedies. Healthy, biologically active soil retains more water and thus reduces fire risk. They are also proponents of installing native plants in the landscape and provide educational presentations and workshops for the public on regenerative landscaping methods and biological fire mitigation strategies.

Bee Happy Lands

Bee Happy Lands’ mission is to promote regenerative land stewardship practices for weed and fire mitigation. Our practices increase the water-holding capacity of the soil and support the next succession plant species in getting established which brings the pioneer species (weeds) into balance. We focus on increasing the fertility of the land through organic soil amendments, helping to create ecosystem stability through the inoculation of microorganisms and enriching diversity by adding seeds to the soil's seed bank. One essential purpose of Bee Happy Lands is to eliminate herbicides from being used in land management strategies which improves the long term health and beauty of the environment while also reducing wildfire risk.


Gardens of Fire

Gardens of Fire upcycles local carbon (i.e. wood) into a long term soil health amendment called biochar. We enjoy educating people about the making of and implementation of biochar in land management practices as biochar is incredibly valuable for drastically increasing the health and water-holding capacity of soil which has the added benefit of reducing wildfire risk. We produce our biochar from local beetle kill wood mixed with compost and use it to make more nutrient-rich soil for our local gardens, farms and public lands.

Future website

Currently, the services listed are available in and around La Plata County of Colorado. Because of engagement and interest in surrounding areas, we are in the process of building a website that will allow other communities to have their own section of the site.

This will allow individual counties to have their own BioFireMit subdomain to highlight their own local businesses and services on. If you are interested in becoming a point of contact and content manager for your local county, please email Charles Bennett at